Maintaining Healthy Prostate With Five Tips

The prostrate is an important organ for reproduction and urination. Unfortunately, it is also one of the organs susceptible to health threats over time.

With about 50% men over 60 and 90% by age 80 having an enlarged prostate and  1 in 8 men diagnosed with prostate cancer, maintaining prostate health should be a paramount concern regardless of age.

Even though, there is no guaranteed way to prevent prostate problems; there are tips and habits that can help reduce the risks.

Without further ado, here are practical ways to help promote prostate health.

  • Maintain a healthy diet

Your diet can significantly affect your health, including that of your prostate.

So eating a nutritious diet that would support your prostate health should become a priority.

A study,  has found that a diet rich in healthy plant foods including vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes may protect you against prostate problems, particularly prostate cancer.

Maintaining a diet rich in required nutrients will not only promote your physical health but also your prostate health and reduce your risk of prostate problems.

Remember, eating healthy includes avoiding processed foods and sugar-sweetened drinks.

  • Exercise regularly

In addition to maintaining a healthy diet pattern, stay active.

To keep your prostate and other organs healthy, be sure you move throughout the day and also exercise several times per week.

A study, has proven that men who were more physically active were less likely to suffer from an enlarged prostate.

So try as much as possible to add physical activity to your routine. Exercising regularly will not only help reduce the risk of prostate problems but also maintain a healthy weight as well as prevent cardiovascular diseases.

  • Limit alcohol intake

Excessive alcohol intake has been linked to an increased risk of prostate problems including prostrate cancer and prostrate enlargement.

Limit your alcohol consumption to moderate levels, or consider abstaining totally, to support prostate health.

Rather than taking alcohol, take water; stay hydrated.

  • Quit Smoking

Smoking is an act that affects every part of the body, not to mention the prostate.

Even though smoking has not been proven to directly lead to the development of prostate cancer, it can however make it more aggressive or more fatal.

According to a study, smokers have an increased risk of death from prostate cancer.

So quit smoking to reduce this risk and improve overall health. It might be hard but it’s possible, do it for your health.

  • Get screened

Aside from having a healthy lifestyle, getting educated and tested for prostate cancer regularly is important.

While this screening test has not been proven to prevent prostate cancer, regular screenings can help detect prostate cancer early when it is more treatable.

According to the American Cancer Society, a man should start PSA screening at age 50. However, men at high risk of developing prostate cancer like family history should start at age 40-45.

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